Aku percaya kalau setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami yang namanya hari buruk/bad day,
Penyebabnya bisa beragam, entah karena putus cinta., putus kerja., kecewa karena teman, keluarga, (merasa) diasingkan, (merasa) disepelekan, dan masih banyak lain. You can make it a very long list I guess :D
Ketika kita mengalami kejadian-kejadian yang tidak mengenakkan/menyenangkan, Perasaan kita pun pasti akan menjadi sedih, kecewa, marah, dll sebagai reaksinya.
Reaksi-reaksi tersebut merupakan hal yang wajar, namun akan menjadi tidak wajar apabila kita terus-menerus berkutat dengan perasaan tersebut. :(
Karena itu sebagai seorang yang smart secara emosional, kita harus mulai belajar bagaimana menangani emosi-emosi negatif tersebut. Bila tidak, hal ini hanya akan merugikan diri kita sendiri, kita bisa menjadi sakit dan tidak bersemangat contohnya.
Nah, Cara terbaik untuk menghilangkan emosi negatif tersebut sebenarnya tidaklah terlalu susah -tergantung niat kita juga sih ya hehehe. Salah satunya adalah dengan kita mengganti emosi negatif tersebut dengan emosi yang positif.
So Let's learn today how to manage our negative emotions in a smart way!
It's gonna be a simple guide and It's all based on my personal experience, So hope you enjoy reading! :)
5 things I learn the Most in 2014 So Far
It's almost a half year of 2014 and It's time to look at our resolutions again if we're making enough progress through out this half year. -yey :D
For me 2014 is quite challenging so far,
My main goal for this year actually to be a better person and learn everyday. So I try my best everyday to be a better me and constantly looking at my resolutions to keep me in line and stay focus.
Today I'm going to write down what I've been learning the most in this 2014's half year.
I make it as lists so I can get you at the point.
Here we go, this is 5 things I learn the most: D
1. You have to know your strengths and weaknesses
Study them regularly so you can minimize your flaws and focus only on developing your strength.
I learn that focus on your strength makes you more confident and be thankful for who you are.
It will avoid you also to be someone you aren't and push you being someone you've created to be.
For me 2014 is quite challenging so far,
My main goal for this year actually to be a better person and learn everyday. So I try my best everyday to be a better me and constantly looking at my resolutions to keep me in line and stay focus.
Today I'm going to write down what I've been learning the most in this 2014's half year.
I make it as lists so I can get you at the point.
Here we go, this is 5 things I learn the most: D
1. You have to know your strengths and weaknesses
Study them regularly so you can minimize your flaws and focus only on developing your strength.
I learn that focus on your strength makes you more confident and be thankful for who you are.
It will avoid you also to be someone you aren't and push you being someone you've created to be.