It is my desire since a long time ago to publish my own video cover. But ,I haven't enough confidence at that time :(
Though, I always delighted to see people did cover and hit many viewers. I've always wondered how excited it would be to have such appreciations on your YouTube account. .
Today, finally I pull myself together attempting to make an original cover from my favorite singer ever, Adele. I love her voice, she has unique and powerful voice. So, I decided to make cover of her song.
This is my cover, my first one. I hope you guys like it :D
PS: pardon my messy room and my not so good hair :p
Kita Adalah Apa yang Kita Percayai
Hello everybody! Been a long time! Hari ini aku menulis sebuah perenungan singkat tentang iman. Please keep on reading! :D
Banyak orang saat ini tidak benar-benar 'tahu' apa yang sedang mereka kerjakan. Mungkin terdengar konyol, namun pada kenyataanya apa yang kita lakukan mungkin hanya didasarkan pada kebiasaan sehari-hari ,atau hanya sekedar rutinitas belaka. Seseorang bisa saja melakukan begitu banyak kegiatan dan program, namun tidak benar-benar mempunyai dasar dan pengertian tentang apa yang mereka lakukan. Sebagai contoh, seseorang yang beragama mungkin dapat rutin beribadah dan melakukan kegiatan amal, namun ketika ditanya mengenai tujuan mereka melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, mereka hanya bisa menjawab karena ini merupakan bagian dari agama, tanpa dapat menjelaskan mengapa mereka sendiri memegang agama mereka dan beribadah terhadapnya.
That's why kita membutuhkan IMAN untuk hidup, agar kita mempunyai dasar dalam segala hal yang kita lakukan. Iman, dalam pengertian singkatnya adalah sebuah kerangka tujuan dalam hidup yang kita percayai, kita pegang, sebagai dasar dalam melakukan segala sesuatu. Tanpa iman, seseorang hanya akan menjadi pengikut, menjadi seorang yang tidak benar-benar 'hidup'. Iman tidak hanya berbicara mengenai agama, namun sebuah kepercayaan yang didasarkan pada kebenaran tertinggi. Dan iman yang sejati bukan ada dengan sendirinya, namun harus dicari dan didapatkan. Dan untuk dapat mendapatkan iman, kita harus berani mempertanyakan segala sesuatu.
Iman bukanlah sebuah pencapaian, namun sebuah proses, di mana untuk mendapatkannya, kita harus siap memulai sebuah perjalanan panjang, yang di antaranya mencakup keraguan dan pertanyaan. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu perlu untuk dapat menyingkapkan kebenaran, karena rasa ingin tahu adalah permulaan iman. :)
We are what we believe, siapa kita dan seperti apa kita di mata orang lain akan nampak dari apa yang kita percayai/ imani. Sebagian besar aktivitas maupun pikiran yang kita pikirkan akan menjelaskan kepada siapa dan apa yang kita percayai. Dan tanpa sebuah kepercayaan kita tidak akan memiliki arah dan tujuan hidup.
dunia yang semakin maju teknologinya ini, sangat susah untuk berdiam
diri dan merenung tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan iman dan
kepercayaan. Kita disibukkan dengan berbagai macam pekerjaan, maupun
fasilitas-fasilitas teknologi sehari-hari seperti HP, facebook dan
lain-lain, sehingga pada akhirnya kita hanya akan ikut arus saja tanpa
sempat merenungkan sungguh-sungguh tujuan kita hidup di dunia ini.
Karena itu seringkali ketika problem hidup mulai menghimpit, kita seperti kehilangan arah dan pegangan. Tidak sedikit mereka yang putus asa mengakhiri hidupnya dengan bunuh diri ,dan sebagainya.
besar dari kita mungkin sudah mempercayai Tuhan dan rutin setiap minggu
ke gereja atau melakukan kegiatan keagamaan yang lain. Namun hal
tersebut tidaklah cukup untuk mengetahui sebenarnya kita melakukan
segala sesuatu itu untuk siapa dan apa tujuannya.
We are What We Believe
Been a while since the last time I write a blog. :D :D
Yeah finally after a long time, I came back to write a brief reflection. Please keep on reading: D
It is important to know what we believe for everything we do.
Many people today do not really know what they're doing. What they do may only be based on the box of everyday culture, or just merely routine. Not everyone knows what the purpose and basis of what they're doing exactly.
We are what we believe. Who we are in others sight will appear from what we believe. Most of the activities and thoughts we think about will explain to whom and what we believe. That's why without any belief, we would never get a direction into a purpose driven life.
In the world that filled with advanced technology, it is very difficult to sit back and reflect on our basic beliefs. We are busy with various jobs, as well with the technology facilities everyday such as mobile phone, Facebook, Twitter, etc, so that eventually we will just go with the flow without having had time to contemplate about the meaning of life. Most of us probably believe in God and regularly going every week to church and doing other religious activities. But it is not enough to depict exactly what we truly believe.
As a comparison, let us look at the people who regularly perform religious activities in obedience, and he who conducts charitable activities. We see them as a religious person and devout, but when we asked them about their basic purpose for doing it, they can not necessarily explain the purpose of what they do. They will say, because it is the demands of religion, or it has become their identity in the public eye. The answers are very shallow and unfulfilled for our spiritual souls which is continuously searching for purpose and the correct answer of the highest goal of a human life.
Yeah finally after a long time, I came back to write a brief reflection. Please keep on reading: D
It is important to know what we believe for everything we do.
Many people today do not really know what they're doing. What they do may only be based on the box of everyday culture, or just merely routine. Not everyone knows what the purpose and basis of what they're doing exactly.
We are what we believe. Who we are in others sight will appear from what we believe. Most of the activities and thoughts we think about will explain to whom and what we believe. That's why without any belief, we would never get a direction into a purpose driven life.
In the world that filled with advanced technology, it is very difficult to sit back and reflect on our basic beliefs. We are busy with various jobs, as well with the technology facilities everyday such as mobile phone, Facebook, Twitter, etc, so that eventually we will just go with the flow without having had time to contemplate about the meaning of life. Most of us probably believe in God and regularly going every week to church and doing other religious activities. But it is not enough to depict exactly what we truly believe.
As a comparison, let us look at the people who regularly perform religious activities in obedience, and he who conducts charitable activities. We see them as a religious person and devout, but when we asked them about their basic purpose for doing it, they can not necessarily explain the purpose of what they do. They will say, because it is the demands of religion, or it has become their identity in the public eye. The answers are very shallow and unfulfilled for our spiritual souls which is continuously searching for purpose and the correct answer of the highest goal of a human life.